Thursday, July 3, 2014

Epistle to No One in Particular

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Someone ruined a significant plot point to Elder Scrolls Online for me the other day (a 'spoiler', if you will). I immediately started rambling my opinion of all Internet trolling:

"Your supposition of anonymity removing your responsibility of civil decency earns you the utmost acrimony in scorn. Had I the power to curse you, I would do so with the most extreme prejudice in retribution and effective injury the word allows. You abuse the invincibility you inherit via transparent boundaries, and pathetically for no other purpose than maleficent mischief. And for that, Nemesis bless you with eternal humiliation, failure, and suffering. You deserve a hermitage in self-imposed Hell, and I won't pretend mercy for condemnation before sincere reflection and atonement. The naked truth of your character is only revealed when there is no threat of consequence. It is damnable what you choose to reveal of yourself. Go fuck yourself, troll."

I felt better.